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Building Materials Index
A01; 一般建材 General Materials
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A05; 木材製品 Timber & Processing
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A12; 建築玻璃建材 Glass Construction Products
A13; 帷幕牆 Curtain Walling
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A15; 防水隔熱,保護 Waterproofing & Fire, Protection Materials
A16; 石材磚瓦 Stones & Tiles
A17; 裝潢材料 Decoration Materials
A18; 環保材料 Green Building Materials
A19; 耐震材料 Earthquake Resistant Materials
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羅莎建築材料 Rosa Building Materials
化工建材 Chemicals
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線上供應商記錄 Total Supplier(s) Record : 90
1 新預製工程有限公司 Architectural Precast GRC Ltd
APG has more than 10 years of experience in designing and manufacture of GRC prefabricated products. Being members of the U.K. GRC Association (GRCA) and U.S.A. Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI), we keep abreast of the latest worldwide developments of GRC technology and our products have received international acclaim.
RosaRef : 1786 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-05-20

2 Sika H.K. Ltd
Sika is a global company with a world-wide network of subsidiaries active in the fields of speciality chemicals for construction and industry. Sika is committed to quality, service, safety and environmental care. Our world-leading branded products are all proven solutions and are based on our core capability in the following areas: Sealing - Bonding - Damping - Reinforcing - Protecting
RosaRef : 1049 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2010-03-24

3 裕北有限公司 Yue Pak Co Ltd
We specialize in selling Chinese metals and chemicals. We have good network and strong tie with many Chinese corporation, smelters and producers. Their huge and rich resources provide us with a wide range of products of good and stable quality as well as competitive prices.
RosaRef : 1472 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-05-14

4 格雷斯(香港)有限公司 W. R. GRACE HK LTD
Grace建築產品公司提供各種新型的特殊建築化學品和材料,包括:混凝土摻加劑和纖維、建築水泥產品、水泥加工添加劑、混凝土砌築產品、結構防水系統和耐火產品。Grace Construction Products offers a wide range of innovative specialty construction chemicals and materials that includes: concrete admixtures and fibers, products for architectural concrete, cement processing additives, concrete masonry products, structural waterproofing systems and fire products.
RosaRef : 1442 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2010-01-18

5 Grace & Joy Ltd
*Swimming Pool Cover *Pool Cleaning Accessories *Pool Building / Lighting Accessories *PVC Ground Pools, Toys & Liner *Pool Heating Equipment *Pumps & Filtration *SPA *Sauna & Steam Cabinets
RosaRef : 7457 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2011-06-23

6 怡俊工程有限公司 Easy Smart Engineering Limited
★ 浴室潔具 ★ 石材 ★ 瓷磚 ★ 防火產品 ★ 防水產品 ★ 地台塗料 - specializes in the provision of passive fire protection and acoustic services.
RosaRef : 1075 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2010-03-24

7 阿克蘇諾貝爾 Akzo Nobel nv (Headquarters)
阿克蘇諾貝爾是全球領先的工業企業,總部設于荷蘭阿姆斯特丹,核心業務包括裝飾漆、高性能塗料業務和專業化學品業務,是全球領先的油漆和塗料公司。Akzo Nobel Coatings, headquartered in the Netherlands, is the world's biggest paint manufacturer since 1999, has over 36 prestigious brands worldwide and has activities in more than 80 countries. Our major brands in Hong Kong include Permoglaze (for Interior), Sandtex Trade (for Exterior) and Sikkens (for Woodstains), etc...
RosaRef : 1013 Market : 海外 Oversea Last Update : 2014-02-05

8 聯豐生(香港)有限公司 L. F. Sam (H. K.) Ltd
...proudly supplies the local construction industry with a wide range of high-quality and environmentally friendly building products, including fabric structures, artificial rockscape, external tiles, ceramic tiles, tile adhesive systems, landscape furnishings and sandstone furnishings among others.
RosaRef : 1602 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-05-15

9 萬能博士防水工程公司 Dr. Almighty Water-Proof Engineering Limited
代理各類型防水工程產品。 專業設計與性能的分析比較,得以最大成果。 ... 防水工程. 此工程對大廈商住戶均非常重要,關係到天花牆壁會否滲水。 工程 ... 輕質石屎工程. 能令水泥漿混合 "發泡膠粒子" 或其它填充料做成輕質混凝土,有優質隔熱、隔音效能。
RosaRef : 1237 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-01-20

10 柏拉圖化工有限公司 Plato Chemical Co Ltd
★PVC 地磚 ★PVC 地毯 / 防滑膠墊 ★PVC 膠布 & 靜電膜 ★PVC 發泡、防滑墊 ★瑜伽墊 ★PVC 燈箱夾網布 ★PVC 夾網防水帆布★PVC 發泡膠 ★PVC 貼布 ★ PEVA 膠布 ★PEVA 夾網防水帆布 ★PVC 膠粒 ★TPE 膠粒★PVC Floor Tiles ★PVC WavyGrid Carpet ★PVC Sheets & Films ★PVC Foam - Anti-Slip Liner ★PVC Yoga Mat ★PVC Advertising Tarpaulin ★PVC Tarpaulin ★PVC Foam Sheets ★PVC Coating / Lamination ★PEVA Sheet & Film ★PEVA Tarpaulin ★PVC Compound ★TPE Compound
RosaRef : 10129 Market : 香港 Hong Kong; Last Update : 2009-12-08

Global brand

羅莎關鍵字搜尋 Rosakeyword search
脫模劑 construction chemicals 養護劑 epoxy 速凝劑 塑膠 塑膠材料 fiberglass FRP 填縫膠 矽利康 硬化劑 PU填縫膠 silicone sealant 膨脹劑 耐酸鹼樹脂 植筋膠 止滑劑 導熱膠 減水劑 環氧樹脂 保麗龍 玻璃纖維膠帶 玻璃纖維布 玻璃纖維網 磁磚黏著劑 防火填塞 防火延燒材料 防火管道 防菌劑 防護欄 防撞欄 灌漿劑 化學錨栓 接著劑 快乾膠 抗裂纖維
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